
A Vision for Books and Bookstores

We see a world where we, the people, no longer buy into the lie that the booksellers have been handing us about providing us with what we’re wanting to read – because we’ve now realized, beyond all doubt, that they’ve been providing us with what they want us to read in order to satisfy their own self-serving purposes.

Thus, we see a world where bookstores have changed their priorities entirely, so that now when you walk into a bookstore, the books which are most likely to bring you happiness and fulfillment are displayed prominently in the front of the store – while the books which were written solely for the purpose of frightening you or lining the author’s pockets are relegated to the obscure shelves in the back of the store.

We also see children’s books, now, written and distributed so that the child’s highest and best interests are served; and where the subject matter of these books is meant, not to subtly encourage our children to become better consumers, conformers, or soldiers, but to encourage them to be more resourceful, creative, and free-thinking people.

And finally, we see a world where authors, publishers, and booksellers alike have all moved away from praising and offering us stark tragedies. Now they have lightened up and filled the shelves with books that are meant to help us, books that warm our hearts, and books that have happy endings.

See Dr. Cartwright’s Books


THE day I defended my dissertation was March 21, 2017 @ 5:08 p.m. That was the day I became Dr. Joan Renee Cartwright. It is different for sure being Dr. Cartwright, being addressed as Dr. Cartwright, being done at Northcentral University in Arizona, online.

One of the committee members asked what I will do next. Aside from managing


this is how I feel and see my future


Teaching Public Speaking for the past year has convinced me that the classroom is my new stage.  Therefore, I am open also to teaching Business Marketing and Ethics.

Peace and Love,

Dr. Joan Cartwright


Prof Cartwright’s Books on MJTVNetwork

Host Mimi Johnson interviews author Professor Joan Cartwright on the MJTV Network Home Shopping Broadcast –

CLICK to watch video. All Books are available at

New Career


Let’s talk transition and reinvention! This week, I transitioned from being a musician (63 years in total, 40-year career) to reinventing myself as Professor Cartwright, teaching Speech Communications at Southeastern College in West Palm Beach, FL to 10 students (3 were absent). The 7 in attendance had a ball (must be the entertainer in me)! The 4-hour class ended on a high note with each of the 7 stating what they learned from the first class. I asked them if they thought the 3 absentees missed anything and they replied, tumultuously, “They miss a LOT!” So, my first night class (6:30 – 10:30 p.m.) was a huge success! I am excited about my new career as a professor. I believe I have a lot to give students and that I can make their learning experience rich and worthwhile. Many night students have families and day jobs and are pretty worn by the time they come to class. My goal is to have them leave my class on an upbeat that will catapult them into the next day with new ideas and fresh insights. All in all, my first class was FABULOUS!

~ Professor Joan Cartwright

Books by Diva JC

4pursuit hardcoverSince 2005, Diva JC has published 10 books at

Joan’s books include poetry, photography, music, memoirs, and lots of information about this interesting and well-versed woman, who has toured 16 countries on five continents.

Visit her book store and purchase her books


Joan Cartwright’s first published book In Pursuit of a Melody is a memoir of her musical journey from childhood through her eight years of travel in eight Europe.
This book contains 35 poems, 40 lead sheets of original music, 350 photos, and two lectures: Women in Jazz and Blues and So, You Want To Be A Singer? A Manual for up-and-coming divas, musicians, and composers.  Joan’s books are available in soft and hard cover, ebook, and pdf download formats at her online book store –
Joan’s photos from her visits to the Caribbean, Mexico, China, and Japan will be featured in Joan’s 11th book Melodic Memories, to be published in 2014.
It was my dear friend Jazz vocalist Sandra Kaye, who got me the gig at CJW Club in Shanghai, in 2006.  I worked there for three months and met my new friend Carl Hill, who got me a gig in Tianjin at his friend Chris’ club, for one month.  In between, I went to Japan for three weeks, where I met pianists Aoi Katoh and Miyuki Saito. They joined me at a presentation of Amazing Musicwomen at the Tokyo International School.  Then, in 2007, Carl used his thousands of Frequent Flyer miles to get us to Shanghai for his former co-worker Richard Wu’s wedding, in Yanchung, where I sang for the Bride and Groom, and visited their small home town.
Two young women with Jazz vocalists Sandra Kaye and Joan Cartwright at club in Shanghai in 2007.
Carl Hill, renowned artist Xikun Yuan, and Joan Cartwright in Beijing, 2007

Carl Hill, renowned artist Xikun Yuan, and Joan Cartwright in Beijing, 2007

Can you tell who the Americans are?

Can you tell who the Americans are?

Li Yang’s Crazy English Camp

jc-teachers-carl-liyang-school-small  jc-yancheng-school-small


Wu Wedding

wu-home2Being a foreign teacher at Li Yang’s Crazy English Camp in Tungzhou, China, 45 minutes outside of Beijing, was one of the most intense and satisfying experiences I have had to date. Li Yang is one of China’s most famous motivational speakers. His goal is to teach 300 million Chinese people how to speak good English, which is almost a necessity, since Beijing has been awarded the 2008 Olympics site.  At right, Richard Wu and his bride Daphne invited Joan to sing at their wedding.


New Friends in Japan!

In my journeys around the world in search of a melody, particularly, jazz and blues, I have found music in lots of clubs, bars, restaurants, concert halls, etc. But it is when I find the music in the home of a dedicated musician that I enjoy the experience even more.  In the photo above virtuosa pianist Aoi Katoh entertains a group of friends in her home in Tokyo, Japan.

Visit Joan’s websites: