Reinvention (2)

The beauty of matter is that it can be revived, revised, reevaluated, renovated, and reinvented. In seven and a half decades, it has been my experience that you can reinvent yourself in many different ways. For instance, I was a student, until I became a mother and a wife at 16. That was my journey, until I became a professional performer. Although I remained a mother and became a wife to three other men, music usurped my time, energy, and convictions. By 40, I was only concentrating on being a musician. I got to tour the world, bringing songs of love, light, and promise to masses of people. However, learning was still in the mix.

At 43, I accepted my Master’s degree in Communication. However, I was weary of studying and writing, so I took off and running to Switzerland, where I concentrated on meditation and music. I met new friends, who offered me new experiences. For eight years, that was all I did.

Upon returning home, I focused on my fourth marriage, which lasted only four years. During that time, I learned about the Internet, designing websites, and uploading photos and music from my past experiences. I went from MySpace to my own website that took a lot of time to build with HTML coding. []. I built websites for other artists, authors, and entrepreneurs, earning money to live on.

From jazz clubs, concert halls, school programs, and community events to yacht parties, weddings, and cruise ships, I sang, I sang, I sang, until I couldn’t sing anymore. I visited places that had been posted on my dream board since 1983. I worked with musicians in Mexico, South Africa, Ghana, and 8 European countries. I recorded on four CDs, wrote 14 books, taught numerous college courses, and established a global organization to promote women musicians from 27 states and 21 countries.

Yet, I am still in the game. As long as I have breath in my body, I will eat, love, work, and play. I love meeting new people. Here are some of my most recent friends. Life is about loving yourself and others. Stay relevant by reinventing your circle of friends!