Conscious Inclusion of Women Musicians

This is an important issue but too many women are totally unaware of the problem. What do you know about women musicians and the inequity of income they earn compared to what male musicians earn?

Published at Versita: Conscious Inclusion of Women Musicians

Dr. Diva JC - Scholar . Teacher . Author


The paper was presented at the British and American Studies Conference, in 2012, and is posted on the website of Fondazione Adkins-Chiti: Donne in Musica

Conscious Inclusion of Women Musicians
By Joan Cartwright, M.A.

Music, the sound of the spheres, begins in the womb! ~ Diva JC

This paper discusses the vast divide between performance opportunities and income earned by male and female musicians. Although female singers are quite visible on the world’s stages, few female instrumentalists are employed on a regular basis and even fewer women composers have their music commissioned for programs or films funded by private and public monies. Several proficient female jazz musicians are identified, and how and why women are omitted from performance is discussed. The need for everyone – producers, promoters, funders, and bandleaders – to consciously choose to include women musicians in programming…

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